Sunday, June 5, 2011

Matt and Amanda

 Spent the afternoon yesterday with Matt and Amanda. 

 They got married 2 years ago in Hawaii and now have moved back to the East coast and wanted to throw a party for friends and family. It was the most beautiful day!! Mid 70's and sunny. A slight breeze. And best of all , it was held at a beautiful vineyard. WHO knew that in the middle of Eden a little town in the middle of no-where was BORDELEAU Vineyards.

Matt and Amanda were so fun to work with. It was probably the most laid back reception I have ever been at.  The guests were all there to have fun. We took a lot of spontaneous pictures. Laughing in between most shots. It was just a FUN day.

 Have I told you I LOVE being a photographer.  Spending the day making new friends and having tons of laughs.  Totally loved Capturing a Glimpse of this great Couple and their friends and family!

Thanks for allowing me to be a part!
more pictures found at

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