Monday, August 29, 2011

Changes explained....

I have posted it on Facebook a few times but figured I could go into a little more detail in my blog.
I have been doing photography for about 4 years now.  My first year just learning and practicing , and the last few years I have made a "real" business of it.

  My goal has been to be an affordable photographer.  That has not changed. In looking at other photogs in the area I will still be coming in lower in prices than most.
  As I look to making my photography business a more viable business for me and my family this is a step I need to take.   I hope to continue to offer mini shoots, esteem shoots and other specials through out the year.

Prices do not increase until Sept first.  If you book a photo shoot for this fall  before August 31st, you can lock in my $75 rate. That includes the disk.   Or you can buy gift certs that for $75 as well and that will be valid up to a year.  (what a great gift for family or friends... something they may not think to buy for themselves.... you could get your christmas shopping started early!) Just remember this is only good for a couple more days.

I try to keep my pricing simple to understand , with no hidden fees.

New Prices for family sittings:
$50 sitting fee for Studio Session
$75 sitting fee for on location session

Then you have the option to purchase the disk of all your edited pics for $75
or just order a la carte from  the Capture a Glimpse Website.

Thanks for your business and I look forward to Capturing a Glimpse of your family.
Email me for my Wedding and Senior packages as well!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Senior Pictures

I have a picture sitting on my piano, Its one of  Dans favorite picture of me . I am probably about a senior in high school.   Whenever I look at it I remember doing my hair like that, the blow dryer , curling iron and hair spray all at once... while having a perm!!  I remember the necklace that I was wearing that was a gift to me , it was a crucifix.  Which at the time I didn't realize was a more catholic symbol. I remember the hot pink shirt I was wearing. I can picture the length of it going down below my hips with a ruffle at the bottom.    

Now if I didn't have it sitting in front of me, would I remember what I wore that day ? .... Nope,  How I did my hair?  .... Nope,  my necklace? .... Nope   but because I have this picture it all comes back.  

I recently had the opportunity to do one of my favorite kinds of shoots.  A Senior shoot.  Chelsea was especially fun because she had so many things that she was into that we could work into some shots.  From her love of her horses, to cheerleading, football, her car... and  Her beautiful red hair was something most people would die for.  

Now I didn't have a senior shoot for myself like this when I was in high school .  I just have a few pictures with a drape for the year book. But boy would that be fun to look back at.  

Chelsea , these time will fly by , but one day you and your kids will be able to look back and have a great glimpse of your life back in the 'olden' days when you were just in high school! I hope I captured a little bit of who you are!  

Give me a call to schedule your shoot today!  


Saturday, August 27, 2011

So She is Married

Busy Summer! Sitting here waiting out Hurricane Irene.  Since I still have power I figured I would take a minute to blog.

August 13th I had a wedding, but instead of being a photographer I was a mother of the bride .  WEIRD!  Rachel  is married.  Mrs Weber.

Its crazy to think she came into my life when she was about Cade's age.

 Now being a parent is hard but being a parent starting with a 6ish year old has its own ups and downs.  You do not have the up all night , sleepless exhaustion, or the potty training , or the "terrible two's" . But  instead you have a 6 year old that you hope you can build a  relationship with in which they will learn to trust and like you. In limited times such as  every other weekend, or during summers and holidays. 

I look back and could give you a list of all the things I "wished" I would have done better or differently for Rachel.   But despite all that, I can look at her and am so thankful she has been in my life. She has become such a great young woman.  She is going to be an awesome wife, and mother.  Its cool to see your kids grow up.  To see their personalities, to develop a different relationship than just parent/ child  ... but also friend.  

Once again I am going to end my blog with reminding you how fast life travels by.
Ask yourself  what do you want to remember" and call me to schedule your photoshoot today.

                                                              (taken with my i-phone)  :)

Prices are increasing August 31. You can contact me before then to purchase a gift card  that will lock in your price for up to a year.